The Chicks in Portland
May 2 - 6, 2013
Sharon Ames Gidget (Mary Lou) Baker Pam Baumgartner Linda Butler Barb Gillette
LeaIla Gregory Barb Harris Margie Hicks Gail Higgins Kathy Law Mary Nelson Sandy Olson Vickie Robinson Marlene Schutz Linda Schwab
Barb Tracy Terry Trask Priscilla Walker Gayle Zobel
Gail ordered idyllic weather for this weekend: temperatures were in the 80s with not a drop of rain the entire weekend! Between Wednesday and Friday, 19 Chicks of 66 arrived from Spokane, Moses Lake, Coulee City, Omak, Zillah, Scappose (OR), Canby (OR), Seattle, Camano Island, Anacortes and Florida.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Terry arrived to help Gail with shopping and all the final details for the weekend.
Thursday, May 2
Three of the ladies (Kathy, Gayle and Mary) arrived at 10:15 am on Amtrak, having left Spokane at 2:15 am!
Four more arrived by car from Moses Lake (Barb Harris, Sandy, and Pam) by way of Seattle (to pick up Linda Butler).
Friday night, May 3
Some went antiquing and/or shopping, others just stayed at Gail’s home and visited.
By evening, everyone had arrived and we enjoyed pizza, drinks, visiting.
Saturday, May 4
After a light breakfast, we headed to downtown Portland where we boarded the Spirit of Portland to enjoy a cruise and lunch on the Willamette River.
Following the cruise we walked along the river enjoy some time at the Portland Saturday Market, a Portland staple from March 1st until Christmas Eve, where vendors sell their wares and food carts abound.
After everyone had their fill, we returned to Gail’s home to enjoy a wonderful evening complete with a Taco Bar and an abundance of visiting and laughter. Barb Gillette won the award for the funniest story of the evening! And Margie Hicks won the award for having traveled all the way from Florida to be with us!
Sunday, May 5
We had a relaxing brunch of crab/shrimp and ham/cheese quiches, accompanied by fresh fruit and mimosas.
The majority of the group had to say their goodbyes and head for home.
The rest spent a lazy afternoon telling stories and taking naps.
Monday, May 6
Some last minute tax-free shopping was done before the Spokane bound Amtrak left Union Station.