2016 Post Reunion Chatter
It was great - renewing friendships, and meeting spouses!! Thank you for those who put all the hard work into this Reunion. :)
Linda Baughman Link
Can't wait for more pictures -- and names!
Barbara Meneely Lucas
Would like to take a minute and recognize Gail and the entire committee for all the work they have done in herding us this weekend. The entire committee did a super job for all of us! Three cheers!
Roger Holloway
I heartily agree.
Rick Bartholomew
THEY have done the impossible !!! Made something I was dreading into something I loved!!!!!
Phyllis Rice
Extraordinary. On top of Gail’s charitable commitments and with the help of some other great classmates, they created a truly memorable weekend.
Tom Paine
My thanks to Gail and the rest of the committee as well, you all made it a truly amazing weekend!!
Jim Daniel
Every thing was great and Erin and I had a wonderful time. Kudos to everyone involved. Thank you!!!
Ray Atkins
Top class!
Mike Chase
Super job and I had a great time. Thank you!
Steve Barnhart
Hip hip hurray. Awesome job everyone!
David Miller
Yesterday I had a wonderful visit with our friend and classmate Claudia Hagerty Thompson. As some of you know, she was unable to attend our reunion due to some recent surgeries. I found her in good spirits (no surprise there!) and eager to get on with her recovery. She is now about to embark on a couple of months of chemo followed by radiation. She has given me permission to let you know and also to publish her telephone number and address for those of you who would like to reach out to her. Her address is 12722 7th Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98177 and her phone number is 206-361-7442. Her email and cell phone numbers are the same as she had in high school. ;-) I know she would appreciate hearing from you and hearing your words of encouragement for a full recovery.
Tom Paine
2011 Post Reunion Chatter
Hopefully, I will be able to locate a few other classmates via the current e-mail addresses ‘the team’ has provided for everyone. Thanks, Gail… Sandy, Linda, Bobbie, Terry, Kim, Kandice, Jerry, Pam, Mike, Kathy, Harry, Jim, Dan, Linda, Barb, Rhonda and THANKS...to everyone on the MLHS Class of ’66 planning committee for putting on ‘a class act’ reunion. Forty-five years…unbelievable! The pages of time turn so quickly. I don’t think we should wait another five years…let’s celebrate again in 2013 or 2014…A wonderful thought! I don’t remember when I have smiled so much or laughed so hard. Everyone looked beautiful… It was a glimpse of heaven…Keep smiling, keep singing and may the pathway you choose…take you to a more beautiful place. Celebrate life…for it is a gift.
Hugs!!! Phone: 425-770-8242 P.S. Does anyone out there know who shortened Friday’s assembly back in 1966 with that ‘bomb’ back in the corner of the gym (or ??)? I will never forget…Some of you will remember…I will never forget…I barely got up to ‘the mike’ and we were promptly dismissed. Okay…(someone out there knows…) P.S.S. I had not seen Diane Ryan (Banks) (Pat) since Graduation. It was wonderful to see you again!! “Teachers affect Eternity; you never know where their influence stops.”
Priscilla Hansen Verner (‘Cilla’)
Just wanted to let everyone know how much my husband and I enjoyed the 45th class reunion. He played golf with the guys in the class and said they couldn’t have been more congenial and welcoming. When we come to ML again he plans to call to play with them again. I really had a great time catching up with old (and I mean old) friends. I wish I could have seen more but they didn’t come. Maybe next time
Love to everyone,
Raedell and Parks Booker (Schwab)
I thought I should take a minute to express my appreciation of your efforts. It seemed that many of the attendees had a twinkle in their eyes normally reserved for children hopping into Disneyland for the first time. Of course it could have been influenced by alcohol but not completely. I brought one of our classmates back to this side of the mountains on Sunday. We spent the entire time talking and laughing about the weekend. What a great time - thank you all so much.
Jim Filkins
OMG, AWESOME. GREAT TIME!!! Thank you to those that attended our 4 day fun filled 45th reunion and for those that did not attend we hope you will plan to join us for the 50th. The Class of “66” does know how to have a good time. I am proud to be in such good company. I hope everyone had a safe journey home! See you in 5 yrs, if not sooner.
Terry Trask Skeesick
I'm exhausted! What a great, fun-filled weekend. Terry, Gail, Pam, Jim, Jerry, Barb, and Harry (and any I may have missed); you all did a remarkable job of planning and managing the events of the reunion. Even the weather was perfect. The venues and food were wonderful. Thanks for all of you who put in so many hours for our enjoyment. I really appreciate your work.
For those who couldn't or wouldn't make the time to come, we missed you, but had a great time in spite of your absence. I loved the times we were all together, but just as special were the small group times that allowed many to reconnect with old friends on a more personal basis. For those who engineered those times, thank you so much.
I had a terrific time this past weekend, and yes, I'm exhausted. And I'm already looking forward to the 50th, at which, God willing, I hope to have more to report on the grandchild front.
Kathi Strode Goodwin
We really wish we could be with you--haven't missed a reunion since the beginning. We are hoping to be done here in Spain in January and then we can officially not have something to do everyday for the first time in our lives. We will see how that goes. Give our love to the group. I feel privileged to have been able to grow up in ML and to have gone through all those grades with the same group of kids all those years.
Doug Earl
A Parting Chuckle from Wayne Schetzle
Doug and Connie Earl, bless their hearts have periodically reminded me - that had I ever had enough common sense to marry "a good Mormon girl," my private life would have been infinitely happier.
And, though I have always considered that to be a sound piece of advice, I've never had the heart to them them...that, with my luck...I would have married Marie Osmond - and she would have unloaded me anyway.
And finally...the only thing of value I ever learned after my excellent education in Moses Lake was that..."Popcorn is Mother Nature's broom!"
Xs & Os
Wayne Schetzle
*Wayne was not able to attend the reunion as he is suffering from the effects of Agent Orange he encountered while in Vietnam.
July 29, 2011
Family issues have called me away from our 45th reunion I was planning to attend. So I will say, "Hello, friends and I hope you have a grand time". I look forward to seeing you all on our 50th. Maybe we should all make some time for that reunion. As I was reading some of the other comments - I want you to know that I totally enjoyed our 40th reunion. I had the best time and renewed friendships I hadn't seen since we graduated. The picture of all of us sure helped me put old names to new faces. :) I hope that those coming to the 45 will have a wonderful time and plan on coming to the 50th too. :)
Blessings to you all,
Linda [Baughman] Link
Hi Everyone,
Hope all of you have a great time and enjoy the big event. Sorry Jim and I will not be able to make it in Aug., I have been offered and I took this really neat job and I have to be here to get the office off the ground. Hope to see all of you the next time around. Barbara Hiatt (Gillette) will miss not seeing you again and you need to email me girl. By the way just wanted to let you know that I lost a lot of weight and weight the same as when I went to high school with you. Not bad for getting older. We are enjoying what life has to offer, living the dream. Have a great time and I look forward to seeing pictures on the web site.
b Back in the work force again, Office Specialist
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the reunion due to foot surgery on 5 August. But God willing I will be at our 50th Reunion. What a celebration that will be! Fifty years... I will be thinking of you all. This will be the first reunion that I have missed.
Margie Hicks Homberg
I see some names on the list of those attending that I'd really like to visit with, but I'm just not going to be able to make it this time.
Ray Atkins
Hey all! I hope you have a GREAT reunion! I won't be able to attend as we have one of our bigger drag events that weekend! It has been great reconnecting with so many of you on Facebook! Again have a great reunion!
Jay Gilman Race Director, US131 Motorsports Park 269 672 7800
I will not be able to attend the 45th Class Reunion because my schedule is set for August and I am unable to change it. Please be certain to send me any future information in connection with our class. I appreciate this kindness.
Maricka Okita (Mary Lou Schmidt)
Good Day Classmates of 1966,
I cannot believe no one has sent a message since Terry in January?
It was great fun to attend one of the 45th reunion work sessions and I was very sorry to have been out of town for the next meeting. With six grandkids, it seems there is always something going on and boy is it fun to attend those "Dance Recitals."
I just want to thank all of you who have consistently done most of the work in setting up all of our reunions and you know who you are. I have been fortunate to attend all of them and they only get better every 10 years and now a 45th will make it possible to see classmates even sooner this year. Nancy and I have planned our summer around being able to attend and we are excited for August to get here. Unless Russ Hagerty joins us this year, I will be the oldest classmate in attendance at 64...less than a year from Medicare.
If you have not registered yet, please do so this week as I am looking forward to seeing all of you again and catching up on the last 5 years. A special thank you to Gail for doing such a great job keeping up the website.
Bobbie Jack Melson
Happy New Year: It is now count down until we meet for our 45th High School Reunion. The committees are in full force and it looks as though we should all have a great time. Please remember if you want to help in any way contact Gail (Higgins) Garcelon or me and we will put you to work. You can find our current information on this website. If you have time take a look at the website and see if you know where any of the missing students can be found, we know our list is not current and we will be updating, so if you can help us find anyone we would greatly appreciate it.
Our goal is to get the information out to you in the next couple of months, but please put the date on your calendar: August 11-14th. Stay safe and healthy.
Terry (Trask) Skeesick
I was so happy to find this web site - and then to see all the contact information was pretty amazing. Most of you won't remember me, but a few will. I was one of the bunch who lived on the base and moved the same week we graduated. I have always felt very fortunate to have been at CMJHS and MLHS the entire last 4 years of school. My older sister and younger brother were not as fortunate, but we all agree that the education we received there was better than any other place we ever lived. I remember the zero hour class where we learned about programming IBM machines at the school admin building. They were huge brown humming machines with a pull-out panel that we programmed by using cables. It was similar to the old telephone operator skit done by Lilly Tomlin. Then we learned to keypunch on the loud machine that sat out in the hallway. Computers and the class of 66 have both come a long way since then!
I am sorry I did not know about the 40th reunion, but want to attend the 45th. If any of you remember me (or not) and have any words of wisdom about where to stay and what to do while in the area, please let me know!
Barbara (Meneely) Lucas
I look at the list of folks who are no longer with us and gain an appreciation for the time I have left here on the earth. I am struck by feeling that I am really lucky to have gone through school with such a kind and for the most part good hearted bunch of people.
It's humbling really, I feel like at times I was such a jerk and most of you guys were so nice.
It was and is my honor to have known you all.
Good health and many smiling days to ya.
Tim Gobin the1gobe@hotmail.com
2008 Chatter
This month is our 42nd anniversary of our High School Graduation. Now, you are probably thinking who in the world keeps track of this information? Well I do, as I look forward to the next reunion.
When we were together for the 40th many expressed a desire to have a 45th, with that in mind it would be great to start hearing from you about your thoughts on a 45th Reunion. If you remember Mike Chase sent out a questionnaire that gave us a lot of good information for the next reunion and there were a number of people who have shown an interest in the planning of the event.
I hope you are well and looking forward to a warm summer. We in Spokane will just be thankful to have a few months in a row without snow. I look forward to hearing from you!
Terry Trask Skeesick
Great work on the web site. This is a good way to keep in contact. My new address is janderson@donobi.net I didn't realize so many of us still live in Moses Lake. It would be fun to get together with just those who still live here sometime. If you're like me, you probably run into some of our classmates, and don't recognize them.
Jerry Anderson
A second Spokane area Class of 66 Ladies lunch was held on Mary 15th . We met at 11 am at Vin Rouge Restaurant in Spokane. Thirteen of us gathered for several couple hours of eating and visiting. Those who joined us included: Lynn Wilmot, Kathy Law, Luana Meade, Barb Harris, Kim West, Kathryn Smith, Linda Schwab, Priscilla Walker, Marlene Meyer, Gayle Zobel, Mary Lou (Gidget) Baker, Lois Reed, and Diane Ryan. We had a WONDERFUL time talking and remembering our high school days. Food was good, atmosphere was good, company was GREAT. We called it quits about 4 pm. Gail Zobel is in charge of the next get-together. Kim Kim West kimwest99@hotmail.com
Thank you to all my classmates who sent cards and condolences on the passing of my wife Julie. We were married just 2 days shy of 36 years. Julie had bladder cancer and the last year of her life was very difficult. It is very hard to see a healthy individual lose 60 pounds and go from a self sufficient person to being unable to button her own clothes. The week before she died, we went on a cruise and she did very well. The end came quickly and suddenly, even though we knew it was terminal. Thanks to all of you for being there.
Dan Deane cokefirst@aol.com
2007 Chatter
If you were unable to attend this Chicks of 66 great weekend of fun I would recommend not missing out on the next opportunity. Friday night we relived the 60's with girl talk and Chico's Pizza. What a treat! We got caught up on, who has been doing what and a little history of our lives the past 40 something years. Where did the time go? We all agreed that a 45th would be great so be sure to mark the date on your calendar.
Saturday, Priscilla Walker treated everyone to a high TEA at the Bob Trask home. She forgot to tell everyone that there would be four courses served. I was unable to attend due to the death of a friend's husband but I got the first course served to me before I had to leave to return to Yakima. If what I had was just the first course I'm sorry I had to miss out on the rest. Pricilla was the hostess with the mostess. I just sorry I missed out on the actual Tea.
Lots of time to visit and catch up with our past and our futures. Everyone looked great and not a day older. I rejoined the getaway on the boat cruise of Moses Lake. More talk time. The weekend really allowed us to get to visit with every one.
Hope to see you at the next get together. Sounds like Walla Walla will be the destination.
It was great to see everyone who was able to attend. You all look terrific!
Karen (Bellomy) Bernd dnkbernd@yahoo.com
I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had on the girls weekend. It was so great to have time to visit and catch up with old times. Forty years sounds like such a long time, but when we all got together it made it feel like yesterday. We've all done a lot of living and had some interesting adventures and are looking forward to more of the same. Thanks so much for the opportunity to get together and have such a great time. I look forward to the next gathering. I also look forward to getting together with the Spokane crowd. I had no idea that we had such a group located here. Thanks again,
Diane (Ryan) Banks
A big THANK YOU to Gail and Terry for putting together a terrific week-end. I also want to say how glad I am that Nancy, Gail Z, Judith, Diane, and Gidget were able to stay with me. It was a great opportunity to re-new friendships and get to know everyone better. The entire week-end was great but the highlight for me was our Saturday night barge trip ( I especially enjoyed dancing with you Priscilla, you can still shake what your mama gave you!). Have a great summer and please all of you, keep in touch.
Love ya,
Rhonda (Roberts) Walker
WOW, what a great time. I can’t thank all of the attendees enough for taking the time to make our 1st Annual Girls Weekend (I hope) a huge success. I hope all of you made it home safely and will make the commitment to encourage another classmate that you may be in contact with to join us for our next “Girls Weekend”.
Watch the Website as pictures and comments will be coming. Make sure you get your pictures to Gail and she will get them on the website as soon as she catches her breath. Again, thank you!!
Terry (Trask) Skeesick
The time is fast approaching for our first Girls Weekend. I am thrilled that 23 classmates have committed! If this is as much fun as we hope it will be we may want to consider an annual event with the hopes of more and more “lady” classmates attending. I have to specify “ladies” as I have run into a few of the men in our class that have thought about throwing on a dress and crashing---I think they are afraid they may miss out on something. Those of you that are attending, I look forward to seeing you and those of you that can not attend this one please try for the next.
I hope all of you classmates; men and women are looking forward to summer and some quality time with friends and family.
As always, j.skeesick@comcast.net
Terry (Trask) Skeesick
2006 Post Reunion Chatter
Hey, classmates, as I was thinking about the highlights of my year, our 40th class reunion was at the top of the list!!!! What a great time we had and if I didn't get around to every one of you who helped make it that way to tell you THANK YOU, I'm sorry. Happy New Year to you all and may your memories of that reunion last for a lifetime. Sincerely,
Dyanne(Osborne) Solders
I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Seems like we JUST had our class reunion. We will be spending Christmas with our family here in Moses Lake. We are so lucky to have our kids here in M.L. with us. We just wanted to wish all of our fellow classmates a very Merry Christmas! p.s....I would love to hear from anyone - you can email me at rwalker @mlsd.wednet.edu. Marlene (Meiers), Sherri (Saunders), Margi (Hicks), and Barb I would especially love hearing from you.
Rhonda Roberts Walker
I check in to the Guest Book every week or so and I am always pleased to see more entries. As I look out my office window today and see the fall colors beginning to show I realize that almost two months have gone by since we were all together. I still wish there had been more time for one on one visiting, however, it only makes me look forward to the next reunion and I will make time for those visits. Again, thank you to all of you who participated and shared in time of reconnecting. If you are ever in Spokane, Jeff and I have an open door and would love to see you. You will find our information in the MLHS Directory and encourage you to call or stop by. After looking at our group picture I thought I should put together a list of those great faces. If you would like a copy just shoot me an email---I don't know about you but memory seems to get shorter and shorter. Happy fall to you all!!!! , proud member of the MLHS Class of 1966!!
Terry Trask Skeesick
My hat is off to the reunion committee. What a fabulous time! It went by too quick and I missed the traditional Sunday picnic. Like Mardi, I too was a base kid. We moved every 3 years or so the whole time I was growing up. Moses Lake was as close to a home as I ever had. We spent 6 years here allowing me to complete 7-12 grades. I had some great experiences but I think I miss having a permanent home. When someone asks me where I grew up, I have to ask them during what period. I think of Moses Lake as my "home" even if it was only for a short 6 years. When I return for each reunion, I am saddened by the changes. Somehow, I want the town to be exactly as I remember it. I loved hanging around with Dwayne Darby, Sam Kovalesky, Hank Buchman, Richard Childress and so many more great people. I can't wait for the next reunion so I can again regain my rightful title as the president of the Gail Higgins Fan Club. Cokefirst@aol.com
Danny Deane
I had an opportunity to talk with a few people who went to their 50th reunion this last weekend and I guarantee you, WE HAD MORE FUN!!!! It was great seeing everyone, talking and laughing and remembering al of you great people from the Mighty Class of 1966. Thanks to the committee for all you did to make our 40th TERRIFIC. Everyone keep in touch. kimwest99@hotmail.com
Kim West
It has taken me this long to rest up from our fantastic reunion! Thanks to everyone for working so hard to make this reunion happen. It was so great to see all the old friends and making me feel like a teenager again. psumner@samaritanhealthcare.com
Pam Baumgardner Sumner
Hi Everyone, Sharon Lemanek (Gilmore) jslemanek@ameritech.net Jim and I had a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone that I knew. Just to go back to see where I lived, the high school, and where Jim worked at the old base was great. We did take pictures! We shall see everyone in 5 years. Thanks!
Sharon Gilmore
It was obvious that a lot of planning and preparation went into our 40 year reunion. We truly enjoyed seeing old friends and classmates at each event. But in all honesty we would skip the Saturday night dinner.
The committee asked everyone to send pictures, then, it seemed that they just used the "canned" version that has been used in the past. It appears that only the most popular classmates are featured in the slide show at each reunion. Should they be the only ones that are ever remembered? What about the other 300+ that graduated in the Class of 1966.
The little "skit" that was put on regarding the Bobby Melson ASB election, which I'm sure was entertaining to those involved, seemed a little pretentious to the rest of us. We felt that by the 40th reunion we would have gotten past the admiration of our class officers, prom royalty and athletes and would have been more focused on each of us as individuals.
We also had the opportunity to compare our memory book to the 30th reunion of the Class of 65, and noticed theirs did not list the "who's Who" of the class. We are sure those listed cherish the memories, but as for the rest of us, we weren't particularly enthralled to relive it. All these statistics are in our HS annuals.
The Class of 66 banner should have been raffled; not everyone is a public speaker. Again, a popular student won the banner. This may be nothing but perception - but perception is quite real. We felt that we were just captives at dinner. At the next reunion it would be nice if the committee considered the feelings of the rest of the group, the 300 of us regular folks.
One classmate described what they regretted the most was that, "By the time the class picture was taken, a number of people had had enough and simply left. What a shame."
We know this may sound harsh and ungrateful but don't take it that way. We truly appreciated the committees enthusiasm and hard work. These comments are not meant to hurt but to offer constructive criticism. We are asking that the whole class be remembered and included in the festivities. Isn't it time to move past HS and appreciate everyone for who they are and just enjoy the wonderful individuality we all possess. It would be great to welcome new volunteers to the committee when the offer is made. New ideas are always refreshing.
Four Classmates of 66
8/1/06 There was a moment where I realized it was time to go and that if I stayed longer, it would somehow ruin the energy. I didn't even want to contribute to anyone thinking about leaving -- if that makes sense. If I started saying goodbye (or anyone begins that process), it gets other people thinking about leaving. I just didn't want to do that. And there was something magnificent (in my dramatic brain) about leaving at the height of the intermingling and remembering it that way. I seriously have this image of everyone talking and being energetically up. And yeah, I can think of 20 or 30 people that I would have liked to spend more time with. It's one of those things where it's almost impassible to get enough -- and yet, too much spoils the brew. The last thing I would want anyone to think is that I was bored or being disrespectful. If I'd had some pixie dust, I would have poofed away and left all of you there in suspended animation until next time. In essence, as an Air Force kid, you guys, Moses Lake -- were my childhood. A small slice with a huge impact. I think bigger than I realized until last weekend. I'm just a big sap. And you can add this email to the guest book if you like. It's how I really feel... and I still miss all of you. Warm Regards, Mardi
Mardi Sheridan (mardig@mardig.com)
...sent 8/31 10:31 pm Hello Everyone, I simply want all of you to know how much it meant to me to see you and reconnect after all these years. I was touched and even surprised at how emotional I felt when it was time to go. I didn't want to say goodbye, so I didn't. I just looked at everyone talking and having a good time and decided to leave it right there, went to my car and drove home to Seattle. The next morning I missed all of you and am struck at how much you meant to me. It's hard to believe so many years have passed for us. Anyway, enough corny mushy stuff. I also want to thank the "Committee." When my wife asked me who organized it, I told her the same "girls" that ran everything when I was in high school :-) LOL - The Gang. Thank you girls. I know how hard you must have worked and it was a fabulous event. Over the years I've heard people talk about their high school reunions being a one night dance thing. Having a weekend of events makes it very special -- and helps the feeling last. So thanks again. If you can scrape yourselves together in five years to do it again, count me in. I miss all of you and I wish you the happiest of lives. Warmest Regards, Mardig (You guys can call me Mardi) Sheridan
Mardi Sheridan
It hardly seems possible that it's been a week since we were all together. What a wonderful, fun few days. If you have pictures, be sure and send them to me at www.mlhsclassof66@msn.com">www.mlhsclassof66@msn.com or via the link on the website photo album page www.mlhsclassof66.com. We missed all of you who could not join us...plan to be with us at the 45! If you ordered a memory book, they will go out in the mail this week. gailgarcelon@msn.com
Gail Higgins Garcelon
Count me in this fan club! It was a blast...time went by too fast... Hugging everyone was so wonderful! Doug Earl and Barbara Harris Schonewald asked me to put a journey together to Thailand / Cambodia for a reunion / rendezvous / charity project for our class. This is exciting! So, check out the new website: http://wwwgeocities.com/seasiatour.mlhs66/index.html Two weeks in Thailand runs about $2200 per person and another $1000 for a week in Cambodia right now, but who knows what the price will be like in three years when Doug can go. The costs include air fare from SeaTac International, nice hotels, and all forms of transportation including boats and elephants! I can arrange custom designed adventures for groups of 8 or more before then if you just can't wait, or want to go more than once... Leave me a message via the guestbook, or email to me: earthmagic@cheerful.com and I'll get right back to you. Thank you Mardig for starting this fan club. Leila Gregory!!! How are you? Wayne Schetzle Shannon - YOU ROCK! more hugz and best wishes to everyone love judith Judith purplejunglequeen@hotmail.com
Judith Bolyard
I too want to thank Gail, Terry, Kim, and all the other people that worked on the reunion. I had a great time and really enjoyed seeing and talking to everyone. Those that were not able to make it really missed a good time. Linda Schwab diamondtrainer@cox.net
Linda Schwab
Hello Gail and Everyone, First of all, thank you Gail and the entire gang of you that put together a fabulous fun event. I know it was a lot of work and you did a splendid job. Kudos to you! I'm very grateful as I'm sure everyone is. And to everyone else, thank you for being there. It was so nice to connect with you. Nice enough that I didn't want to say goodbye last night, so I didn't. When it was time to go home, I simply walked to my car and drove home to Seattle. This morning I missed all of you. Anyway, I won't get maudlin now. I'll just say farewell until we meet again -- and hopefully that will be before another 20 years goes by. My very best to all of you. Warmest Regards, Mardig (you guys can call me Mardi) Sheridan 206-283-4252 mardig@mardig.com
Mardi Sheridan
What a trip down memory lane! Thank you. I attended my first ever MLHS reunion and will now have memories to last a life time. Bill and I promise to be at the 45th reunion. It was a thrill to have seen so many fellow grads after 40 years. I have seen Sharon Ames Douglas and Debbie Black Matthews through the years, but enjoyed seeing all of you! Keep smiling, it makes life easier. casadegraff@uia.net
Anna Vasquez DeGraff
A whole week has now come and gone since our 40th Reunion. As we continue to look for missing classmates, I hope each one of you will take an active part in finding them. Something as simple as your parents get a Christmas card from a classmates parent---that can be a start and we do not need much to get the ball rolling. I hope you are looking at the pictures from the reunion that Gail is putting on as fast as she gets them. A big thanks to Jim Filkins (Thornburg) as he provided some great shots of the party barge cruise. Check the website and leave messages as this is how we will stay connected.
Terry (Trask) Skeesick
Hello fellow classmates! Well as they say I guess I was needed because we had a fire eight miles from us and we had to send the nursing home residents over the mountain to Redding. The smoke was so bad it was hard on the residents. This happened at 18:30 and I didn't get off work until 0200 am. It was called the Junction fire, as the small town of Junction City and the town has less than 100 people. Any way thanks for the info on Avery and I am so glad she is a nurse. We were in FNA together along with the others! Boy I sure miss going and got so depressed. I am now official, I am now the DSD, Director of Staff Development of Trinity Hospital, managed by Mountain Community Medical Services. Hello to every one who was there and who read this. I am looking forward to the next reunion and pray I can make that one. Your fellow classmate
I had a great conversation with Jim Rising (7/31/06). He is found and not lost, we unfortunately had an incorrect email address. He sounds great, reasonably happy and would consider our next reunion. Anyone wanting to get in touch with him please give him a jingle once Gail has the updates done. We do have current information or will in the next day or so....don't quit looking for those missing classmates. Jimmy Daniel he (Rising) would like to hear from you I'm sure, as he asked all about you.
Terry Trask
Joan, missed you at the 40th reunion prom! And don't worry, we're all a little chubbier except for Kandice Blume and Diane Alsup... Avery is a head
Terry - I just came into ML this evening (18 July). My sister, Margaret, and I check the reunion website and found your message. We looked at the pictures and we can't seem to recognize anyone either. But I will keep trying - Barbara will be in town 24 July and she can have a crack at it. I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
Judith Bolyard
Margie Hicks---look in the photo album and help Gail and I with our school pictures. In the first picture I know Coni Schultz is there and Phyllis McAdams is in the second one. Who else?? Can't wait to see you!,
Terry Trask Skeesick
Bob Melson here to set the record straight - bobm@wahperd.com We are only two weeks out now so it is time to "FIRE UP BIG CHIEFS". As those of you know who attended our 30th year reunion, I had just began a civil law suit against Doug Earl claiming that he had rigged our MLHS Presidential Election. I had hired Harry Ries to be my attorney of record. Harry did not show up at our 30 year reunion so I fired him the next day and hired Jerry Moberg to continue........... As you can imagine, this was a major conflict of interest for Jerry as he was Doug's Vice President. He had to think about his decision to represent me for say 30 seconds as that is when I reminded him of Doug's DEEP POCKETS. I figured that it was Wayne Schetzle who rigged the election for Doug as they were close friends and, after all, Wayne had changed his name to Shannon making it very hard to find him in the underworld of TV. But then it dawned on me that Jerry was Catholic and I was Catholic and this was all about RELIGION. Yes, it was one of THE BROTHERS that rigged the election (And I do not mean Art Baker). Well, long story short, Jerry and I won the case and he made a bunch of money to help pay off those former wives and I am your: MOSES LAKE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 66 ASB PRESIDENT !!!!!!! I must admit that becoming your president is not nearly as important as getting that check from Doug every month - It has made my retirement so much easier. Moving on - It has come to my attention that all of my football linemen have not registered for the conference yet. As running backs, Jerry Moberg, Russ Hagerty and I would like to reward them for the years of blocking in the trenches that they did for us. I suggested that we give each of them a new Corvette, Russ thought that we could afford to give them each a Gold Watch, Jerry has decided that for every one of you who shows up in July, that he will provide one hour of free legal service on behalf of all of us. In conclusion - Nancy and I live the "GOOD LIFE" in Leavenworth, Washington and have four wonderful kids and two grandkids. I would love to tell you all about them, but the reunion committee has requested that I put all the information in the Class of 66 Booklet in hopes that it will greatly increase their SALES... SEE YOU ALL IN TWO WEEKS -
Bobbie Jack Melson
HELLO Classmates of 1966!! I am so excited about the reunion and very happy for those of you who will be attending. We will have fun renewing old friendships and catching up on what's been going on for the past 40, 30, 20 or even 10 years. I am honored to be the emcee for Saturday night and EXTREMELY delighted that Wayne Schetzle will be joining me at the microphone. We have great prizes to give away and if you weren't at the 30 year reunion, you missed a terrific B.S. story by Bobby Melson. He deserved it.....GO BOBBY. Anyway, I would like to say thanks to our committee for all your hard work. I will see you all at the reunion. I will miss those of you who will not be here as you have touched my life in some way and I thank you for that. I am trying hard to get Pat McKenzie here so Terry can buy me drinks. YIPPEE!!! If anyone wants to e-mail me, catch me at kimwest99@hotmail.com
Kim West
So where is Avery Tyler? does any one know? I tried to come for the 30th but some how didn't know when it was! Anyway have a drink for me as I will be slaving away. May go to the local bar and have a drink just because it is the 40th and will never have a chance again. Everyone have a BLAST and don't forget the one who have changed and grown up, even the ones who haven't! Love to all joan_btlr@yahoo.com (Thiesfeld)
Joan Thiesfeld Butler
I am really looking forward to seeing old friends and getting to know classmates that I really didn't know 40 years ago. I would like to remind everyone that I will be giving a tour of MLHS on Sat. morning at 10:00 and would encourage you to come and take a look. It has really changed since 1966!! (no more walking outside in the freezing cold in the winter to get to classes). I promise not to keep you too long and it's FREE - and nothing is free anymore! See you in a couple of weeks. . www.mlhs@localnet.com">www.mlhs@localnet.com
Rhonda (Roberts) Walker
OK, we have only 17 more days before we can get reacquainted with classmates. I know this is a busy time of the year, we changed the month, we are older, not quite as trim and the hair maybe a little grayer----but who the heck cares. We are vertical! Take time to fill out that reunion registration take a chance that you will have a great time and maybe connect with an old friend, make a new friend and possibly just have fun getting caught up on the past 40 years. If I have not personally contacted you, I am surprised as my monthly phone bill since February looks like I talked to all 250+. Don't miss this opportunity you may not want to see anyone special but I can guarantee you that there is someone who would like to see you. Gidget (MaryLou) I hope to see you, and Della Love you can still change your mind, Linda Shafer get in the car and come, Jana Duvall it won't be the same without you. Bottom line there is time, register! I still feel 16 (yes, Gail not 18)when I think of you all no matter how gray, trim or whatever. For those of you who will not be there I will be thinking of you---I loved High School and each of you played a part. Your classmate, . If anyone can get Pat McKenzie to the Reunion your Saturday night drinks will be on me.
Terry (Trask) Skeesick