After our 40th reunion, several of the ladies of the Class of 1966 decided they didn’t want to wait another five years to get together. So plans were put into place for a weekend get-together in Moses Lake in June of 2007. All females in the Class of 1966 were invited. It turned out to be such a fun weekend (see Ladies Weekend 2007 for pictures and all the details) that it was decided to meet for lunch several times a year, in different places: we have met in Spokane, Moses Lake, Coulee City, Omak, and Ritzville thus far (see all the pictures at Luncheons). Then in May, 2013 another weekend event took place, this time in Portland (see Portland 2013 for photos and details). It was at that time that Mary Nelson Niemeyer gave us the name “Chicks of 66” and a decision was made to continue yearly weekend gatherings, as well as occasional luncheons. Since then we have gathered in Walla Walla (2014), Whidbey Island (2015), Leavenworth (2018) and Sequim (2019)
We hope that more and more Chicks will join us at future events as we strengthen our friendships and form new bonds.
Enjoy the photos from each of our events from the dropdown menu.
Contact Kathy Law Kovalesky, Terry Trask Skeesick or Gail Higgins Garcelon for information about upcoming events.