The Chicks on Whidbey Island
October 1 - 4, 2015
Sharon Ames Kandice Bluhm Linda Butler Sunna Byam Linda Dunn
LeaIla Gregory Claudia Hagerty Gail Higgins Christie Lane Kathy Law
Phyllis McAdams Mary Nelson Bev Norwood Rhonda Roberts Vickie Robinson
Marlene Schutz Linda Schwab Barb Tracy Terry Trask Priscilla Walker
Lynn Wilmot Gayle Zobel
Thursday, October 1
Twenty-two (22) Chicks of 66 met at The Quintessa on Whidbey Island to enjoy a long weekend. This beautiful 9 bedroom, 4 bath home provided lots of space for one-on-one conversation, as well as large group time, amid the spacious rooms and outdoor decks. Once everyone was settled into their rooms, it was time for the margaritas to start flowing. Linda D and Kandice filled our stomachs with a delicious Taco Bar.
Friday, October 2
Following an early breakfast prepared by Bev and Claudia, we boarded a bus for a 7 hour tour of the island. We were able to spend time in Coupeville, Greenbank and Langley. The fun continued with a delicious Salmon Feed at the house prepared by Vickie, Marlene and the rest of the committee. Then Marlene and Vickie treated us to a Moses Lake Trivia Night, which was filled with lots of laughter during the intense competition between the two teams - and a very strict game coordinator (Marlene), complete with whistle, kept us in line.
Saturday, October 3
Priscilla and her crew fixed a delicious brunch for us and then everyone was on their own for the day. Activities included walks, beach time, the Bayview Market, and trips back to Langley. A lazy afternoon of visiting at the Quintessa was followed by a delicious dinner at the China Cafe - and then more visiting.
Sunday, October 4
Breakfast consisted of leftovers - of which we had a great many. Nothing like bagels and cream cheese with salmon to start the day! Then it was time to say goodbye.
Another unbelievable time for the Chicks of 66. As Linda Dunn said, “getting to know each other again at a much deeper level is quite precious!” We all agree and can’t wait until our next time together. Mary Nelson will head up our next Chicks of 66 weekend, which will not be until 2017, due to our 50th reunion in 2016. We hope to see even more Chicks at that time!